Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 31

A little about me...

I know you can tell just from reading my blog that I'm not a great writer. I used to be pretty good, but never really made time to get better. I'm also a very self conscious person and feel pretty awkward most of the time talking to anyone. I love being around people though. I loved making coffee for people and talking to the customers every day! I love being a stay at home mom, but taking care of kids all day is not the same as being able to converse with adults all day at your job. I go crazy not having anyone to talk to other than my husband all the time. I may be socially awkward, but I'm a very social person. Working out has made me so much more confident. Especially since I am putting it all out there in the open so others can see that if I can do it so can they.

I am also a very unhappy person most of the time. I'm extremely judgemental person when it comes to judging myself and my family. So I usually hold myself to standards that I could never live up to. I look at all those moms that have perfectly tidy houses and I get mad when I can't get more than halfway to having my house look that good. I try way too hard to put on a front of having it together all the time. We are far from perfect. I'm slowly becoming more ok with who I am and excepting it, as I become a stronger person. I'm also less judgemental towards myself as I keep pushing harder and can actually see that I'm capable of achieving my goals. I know I'm strong enough to do it! My house will never be perfect, and thats the one thing that will take me awhile to get over. If my house was perfect, my daughter would be raised by Nick Jr or Boomerang! I wouldn't be focused on taking care of her or taking care of myself.

Hopefully this will give you more of an idea of who I am. I am not perfect. I have never stuck with anything. I give up easily, and I never feel good enough...until now! I'm becoming the strong and confident woman I'm supposed to be. It will take time, but I'll get there. This program means a lot to me! I'm not only becoming healthier and more fit, I'm giving my self confidence as well.

Day 31

I have really started to get bored with the same few things to eat all the time, so I'm going to try harder to find some new recipes and post them on here for you guys too. We do a lot of different things, but with all the babysitting and working out I keep forgetting to buy stuff to make them. So number one on my list of to dos before I go to sleep tonight is to look up some clean recipes and make a grocery list! I love eating clean, but chicken on salad for lunch and chicken with rice or quinoa for dinner isn't exciting after a month of eating that all the time. What are your favorite clean meals? I would love to hear from you and get your feed back.

I did about 30 minutes of zumba on the wii this morning, and got my cardio workout done for Power 90 this evening. I still trying to get my husband to keep working out, and he does, but not every day that he is supposed to. He'll get there. I have found he does way better if I don't nag him! Well I need to find some recipes and get ready for bed. I will catch up with you guys tomorrow.

I love coconut oil! You can use it as a cooking oil, but my favorite is to put it on toast instead of butter, it has a really nice faint flavor.

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