Thursday, June 13, 2013

Finally working out!

A week ago on June 6th, I finally started working out. This time since I have more kids now and a lot less free time, I'm starting with the couch to 5k program and walking and/or workout dvds on my days off from the jogging program. I've done the first week and just started week two of the program today! I have done it once before and forgot how much I love it.  photo 490_zpsbcebf9cc.jpg  photo 489_zps4d664398.jpg I'm starting over again after having twins in October and also an older girl that turned two in May. In the pics I'm 239.0 lbs and wearing a size 20 (old navy) jeans and xxl old navy shirts. I'm totally motivated again and am not going to stop till this weight comes off and I'm not going to let any little slip up no matter how big or small throw me off course, I'm in this for the long haul!!