Sunday, November 24, 2013

My little man's surgery

I didn't plan to take the last week off from T25 but I ended up taking it off because my 1 year old son had surgery. He had a hypospadius repair as well as a couple other things done at the same time, so we had to drive 6 hours to Anchorage for the surgery and were there for 5 days. The first two days were my rest days, then after his surgery the poor baby only wanted to nap or sleep on mommy. 

So tomorrow I am starting week three. Now that we are back home and getting back to normal. I was able to eat healthy about 50 percent of the time, the other half was at the mercy of fast food sadly. 

I am so exhausted after such a draining trip. I know the kids are glad to be back on schedule too. I got a little antsy for Christmas today and wrote the twins' names on their stockings and hung them today.
Now I just have to wait for Thursday to put the rest of the Christmas stuff up.

As I have been writing my son woke up and is laying on me and my 2.5 year old daughter is using me as a chair and is getting rowdy, so I will post two of my concoctions that turned out delicious.

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