I need to apologize for not being on here the last few days. I tend to not blog on the weekends, and I really need to. Being on here every evening keeps me accountable and pushes me more. I also need to apologize for the funk I've been in the last 4 or 5 days. For some reason the one person commenting on my progress photos saying they couldn't see a difference really hurt! I just felt awful, like all my hard work wasn't paying off. I know, I know, I've lost weight, and I've gone down almost 6 pant sizes, but still, its hard hearing that. I need to grow a harder shell and not listen to things like that. Self esteem is one of those things I'm trying to build along with muscles :)
Well I'm back now, and I'm really going to push myself now that I've had time to sulk and get over the one bad review LOL. Thanks to my husband, instead of going to bed at 7pm I went down to the garage and did an Insanity workout. It was crazy hard, but I made it through 30 minutes before my legs and butt felt like they were going to fall off! I needed that to kick my ass back in gear. Tomorrow I am going to Zumba and either during the day or after the class I'm going to do my circuit workout. I'm going to try to do an hour and a half a day with one rest day a week until the end of my 90 days. I'm hopefully going to add in some P90X and some Insanity so I can decide which of the two I'm going to do after I'm done with power 90.
I also need to stop snacking on gold fish crackers and whatever else I have for the kids. I need to remember I'm stronger than the crackers, and not give into temptation. I also talked to my hubby and we are going to make sure we only have one cheat meal a week and plan which day its going to be on. Basically I need to do what I was doing in the beginning and have been slacking on.
So the pics I'm posting I found on pinterest and the original sites are linked from my workout board or my I will fit in this someday board. They are more for my own motivation, and for me to remember why I started doing this in the first place! I need to focus on my goals and what I've accomplished so far! My name on pinterest is Laura Kilian :)
This is one of my favorite ones!
I want to be able to look this cute in a nice striped sweater with my coffee :) I love stripes so much!
I also want to dress cute and casual and actually look cute and casual and not totally wrong in everything I wear.
I also want outfits to look the way they are supposed to and look put together. This is a plus size outfit, and I still couldn't look that good in it right now LOL. SOMEDAY I WILL!!!
Keep moving forward! I have lost 45 pounds and not a single person in my husbands family has commented on my weight loss. I don't know if it is because they can't tell or what, but it has upset me! I have to tell myself often that I am doing this for me and no one else! I can tell a difference from your pictures! You are doing a great job! Keep it up!