Monday, November 10, 2014

Starting Over Again

I won $10 posting my selfie this weekend towards more Posh products!! A few days before I won $100 toward free products too! I love that my job is fun and they reward us and Pamper us! I have been super busy the last week building my team and training and sending out recruiting packets. Juggling my kids, my chores, my work, my marriage, and now my weight loss too is going to be hard, but I'm just glad I love doing the work that I do!
My three kids are in a crazy phase and have been for the last 6 months. The climbing is getting worse, pulling everything off the counters, running away when they need their diapers changed, playing in the dog water, turning the washer and dryer off mid wash, the list goes on. There is never a dull moment around here. Never a moment to sit for more that a minute at a time.
I started P90 again today, last time I did day one then stopped for some reason. I'm hoping to do all 90 days but I am not going to beat myself up if I miss a day or two, its eating Paleo that is way more important! My goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by February when I go to Leadership in San Diego for Posh. That is if I sign up fast enough to get a spot. I want to fit in all the clothes I was starting to fit in when I was losing weight months ago. I gained almost all of my weight back, I'm tired of yo-yo weight loss. I'm hoping now that my husband is more on board I can stick to it longer than two months! Wish me luck!
One of my new favorite foods is Scotch eggs! If you haven't had them you're missing out!
I'm excited to get these awesome gift bags made up and out for Christmas, check out our awesome lip product here!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

On day 2 we caught the flu!!

Day 2 into eating Paleo and the day I planned to start P90 I wake up with a sore throat and cough! My poor son was miserable all day so after calling the ENT and our local clinic I had to bring him into the clinic and low and behold he tests positive for the Flu!! The kids and I have been sick for 3 days now! Its definitely not fun! Worst of all we didn't get to do Halloween! Thank goodness my kids are all just young enough they don't realize what they are missing out on. Last night after sanitizing myself I put candy and Posh on the porch for the kids and their moms.
My fun Sample Packs
That was pretty much it for excitement around here! Having sick and teething kids when you're sick too is definitely interesting. My husband is determined not to catch it, so he is now the mascot for handwashing, doterra diffusers, lysol spray, clorox wipes and covering your mouth when you cough. The last one is hard for 2 and 3 year olds for sure. Two of the kids and I are banished to sleeping together in my bed while my husband sleeps in my daughters bedroom with my youngest (in her crib) since she is just barely getting sick. This is what I get for thinking we might avoid doctors for awhile after the twins got ear tubes in.
On a happy note we have some amazing deals this month that I'm so excited to share!! $1 off all our Chunk bars until the 14th!
You can now join the awesome business of Posh and join my team for only $49! You get $75 worth of our best sellers, a poshy t-shirt, catalogs and order forms!! The perfect amount to jump start your business!!
Or you can still join for $99 and get the full starter kit! And....
One of every Chunk Bar!!! Its a fabulous deal! Please check out my website at